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Table 4 Main anthropometric characteristics (following non-Gaussian distribution) of type 2 diabetic participants and non-DM obese individuals

From: Glucose-level dependent brain hypometabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity



Type 2 diabetic subjects

Non-DM, obese subjects


Median; IQR

Median; IQR

P value

Age (year)

50.50; 12.00

52.00; 14.50


BMI (kg/m2)

32.81; 8.00



  1. P values for parameters are derived from two-sample Student’s t test of the type 2 diabetic and obese group of patients; DM diabetes mellitus; IQR interquartile range; BMI body mass index
  2. *Significance level <0.05
  3. **Significance level <0.001